7 Best Android Apps for Daily Use.

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By Apps Tiger

Every one of us uses Mobile Phone. Mobile has changed our lives. There are many apps on our Mobile phones which we use daily, some of them are Games, and some of them are for Entertainment or daily use. But there are many productive apps available that can make our life easier and more productive. So Today I will share the 7 Best Android Apps for Daily Use.

Here are the 7 Best Android Apps for Daily Use:

1. Cam Scanner

Suppose you are in a condition where you have to scan and submit an important document and you don’t have a scanner or Laptop. What will you do in such a situation? Cam Scanner is one of my Favourite apps. Because it’s making my daily tasks easy. Cam Scanner helps us to scan any document with the help of a mobile camera. Now you don’t need a professional scanner at your home. Cam Scanner will make your life easy, you can scan any document with a single click, and sends you any or save on your Mobile phone.

2. Hallo

Many people want to learn the English language. After all, English is our International language. Some people want to learn English for a job, or higher education, and some people want to learn English just for fun or knowledge. But most people don’t know how to practice English speaking and improve their skills. Hallo App helps us to practice English speaking and listing and of course absolutely Free. By Using Hallo App you can randomly connect with any person all over the world on Call for taking in English. By using this App you can do unlimited calls to other users worldwide to improve your English Speaking and listing skills. while there are many professional teachers who conduct online English classes for free.

3. Google Translate

Google Translate is one of the biggest inventions in this era. Some years ago translation of one language into another language was not an easy task. You need a professional translator or a person from that region to perform that duty. But Google Translate has made your life easier and made us more productive. By using Google Translate you can translate any language into another language within a few seconds. You copy a text you want to translate and select a language in which you want a translation. And Google will automatically translate it.

7 Best Android Apps for Daily Use.
Here is an example of Google Translate.

4. Done

Are you a person like me who often forgot his daily tasks? If you are a person like me I have a Solution for you. By Using Done App you can arrange all of your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks in one place. You can write all of your in Done App and also add their deadline so this app will notify you before its deadline. And you can also mark your tasks as done after completing them.

5. Forest

Forest is one of the most interesting apps I have ever used. I was facing an issue that I was unable to stay focused during performing any task. So if you want to stay focused and avoid any destruction during performing any task Forest is one of the most useful Android apps for you. You can open your Forest App app and set a time for your task. And This App plant a tree for you that will grow according to your task time. And if you will close that App before your task completion time that plant will die and you will get negative points. But If you will complete your time you will get a tree and positive points. After completing more and more tasks you can grow your forest and share it with your friends.

6. Mind Meister

Mind Meister is one of the best Android Apps for Daily Use. Many YouTubers use this app to create educational or explainer videos. As almost all of us do mind mapping on paper or whiteboard before performing any task or working on any idea. Mind Meister helps us to do mind mapping by using that app, and an interesting thing about that app is you can share your mind mapping data with your friends or save it on your mobile. If you are doing mind mapping on paper it is difficult to carry and there is always a chance of misplacement, so here Mind Meister is solving this issue and making life easier.

7. Last Pass

There was a time when every other day I forgot my Passwords. And that is not only me many people have that issue in their lives. So here is an amazing Solution, by using Last Pass App, you can save all of your Passwords, in one place. And you can also lock your Last Pass with a password, fingerprint, or face recognition so no one has access to your passwords.

Also Read: 5 Amazing TikTok Alternative Apps.

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